Periodic issues
Issue 54: The Impact of Possible Russian Embargo on Georgian Exports
Issue 54: The Impact of Possible Russian Embargo on Georgian Exports

In 2014, the breakdown of Georgian exports by country noticeably differed from 2005 (before Russian embargo). In 2005, Russia was the largest market for Georgian exports and the share of Russia with a share of 17.8%. In 2014, the largest trading partner for Georgia in terms of exports is Azerbaijan (19% of total export), followed by Armenia (10%) and Russia now sits third having reduced to 9.6% (US $274.7 mln).

It should be noted that in 2005 Georgia exported to 93 countries, while by 2014 the number of countries had increased to 120.

From 2005 to 2014, the annual average growth rate of Georgian export (excluding Russian market) was 18.8% and exports increased by US $1 874.5 mln, in total.

The dependence on the Russian market reduced and the market for export has become more diversified which in some ways offsets the impact of external economic factors (embargo) on Georgian exports.