Facilitating Dialogue on Benefits and Challenges for Moldovan and Georgian Private Sectors in EU Integration Process
2015-10-28 00:00:00
Facilitating Dialogue on Benefits and Challenges for Moldovan and Georgian Private Sectors in EU Integration Process

moldova event

PMC Research hosted high ranking representatives of the Moldovan and Georgian governments, the EU delegation, Hungarian, Polish, Czech and Slovakian diplomatic missions and representatives of EBRD, EIB, USAID, WB, and IFC to discuss the most efficient ways for governments and private sectors to navigate through the EU Integration Process.

The conference entitled “Making the Most of DCFTA” was designed within the framework of the Visegrad Fund project “Sharing Experience of Public-Private Dialogue in EU” took place in Chisinau, Moldova on October 22-23.

The knowledge sharing event aimed to assist Moldovan and Georgian businesses and government bodies to strengthen dialogue and awareness about the opportunities and challenges presented by the signing of the Association Agreement.

The focus of the event was on sharing the experience of Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) in developing constructive public-private dialogue in a transition period, while harmonizing legislation and standards with those of the EU. Key topics discussed were titled as follows: 1 year of DCFTA; external assistance for SMEs to meet requirements of DCFTA and accessing EU markets; building public-private partnerships; and providing support services.

Please kindly follow the link below for detailed information about the project:
Transferring V4 and Georgia Reform Experience to Facilitate Economic Development in Belarus