Periodic issues
Issue 84: Social Expenditures of State Budget - I - III Quarters, 2016
Issue 84: Social Expenditures of State Budget - I - III Quarters, 2016


In the first three quarters of 2016, compared to the corresponding period of 2015, in the State Budget:
 • Total expenditure on social security increased by 10.7% (238.6 mln GEL) and  amounts into 2,270 mln GEL, which is 37% of total budget expenditure;
 • Expenditure on public pension increased by 11.7% (121.2 mln GEL);
 • Expenditure on general social healthcare program increased by 16.1% (68 mln GEL);

In the State Budget of 2017 expenditures on social security will increase by 8.4%.

Municipalities spent a significant part of their budget for social security, for example, 27.8% (177 mln GEL) of Tbilisi budget costs is spent on social security