Public Policy Discourse and Dialogue Platform 2017
Public Policy Discourse and Dialogue Platform 2017
Start Date: 2017-07-01
End Date: 2017-12-31
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,

Project Description:

Public Policy Discourse and Dialogue Platform is targeted at creating a platform that stimulates constructive and systematic policy debates and establishing cooperation practice among different political and social groups throughout Georgian society. 

The project will bring together a wide range of stakeholders through more productive dialogue and will look into different ways to achieve optimal decisions for policy planning, design and implementation. The dialogue among the public, private, NGO, and media sectors, and the use of collaborative problem solving will be maintained to address complex public issues in a better way and thus, improve the quality of governance in Georgia. 

Through preparing policy studies PMC Research aims to create solid ground for professional debates and to raise awareness of possible threats, which will increase the significance of policy results. In addition, PMC Research aims to discover young researchers and increase their participation in policy dialogue.

Under the project, an independent Steering Committee selects core topics for public policy discourse. It mainly targets: economic, social, trade, investment and SMEs policies, energy and education policies, public administration reform, public financial management, and local and regional development policy. 

After the primary selection of topics, an open announcement is made to invite researchers to prepare policy documents in the relevant fields in line with the project timeline. The Steering Committee selects a researcher and a peer reviewer for each paper, both of whom present their papers for discussion at the Public Policy Discourses. Based on the data analysis and review of global best practices, selected researchers develop their policy recommendations. In order to ensure high quality, a peer reviewer and chief editor review the study. Also, the Steering Committee develops recommendations for the researchers. 

Based on the research and discussion results, the project team will elaborate policy papers and policy briefs on relevant issues. The project team will distribute an electronic version of the study. Information will also be disseminated via PMC Research’s website, social media and other means of electronic communication. The project aims to record and analyze all lessons learned, and to outline the implications and the significance of the project outcomes.

PMC Research has gained solid experience in organizing public discussions. In the last 8 years it has conducted many policy papers and organized public debates. More than 35 important topics have been researched and discussed with stakeholders of PMC Research during the mentioned period.