Creating an M&E Scheme and Action Plan for the Local Development Strategy of Tsalka for 2020-2024
Creating an M&E Scheme and Action Plan for the Local Development Strategy of Tsalka for 2020-2024
Start Date: 2020-08-07
End Date: 2020-08-31
Region: Caucasus,
Country: Georgia,
Client: CENN
Origin of Funding: European Commission/ENPARD III
Budget: GEL 1,995

The main objective of this project is to develop the monitoring and evaluation scheme and the action plan for the Local Development Strategy (LDS) of Tsalka Municipality for 2020-2024. 


To ensure the effectiveness of the project, PMC Research is conducting the following activities:

  • Creating an M&E manual for the Tsalka LAG to monitor the implementation of the objectives and activities of the Local Development Strategy of Tsalka Municipality for 2020-2024; 
  • Developing indicators for objectives and strategic activities in six thematic areas of the Tsalka LDS;
  • Conducting workshops for the Tsalka LAG board members to develop the LDS indicators;
  • Conducting validation workshops for the Tsalka LAG members on the indicators; and
  • Creating an M&E scheme for the implementation of the Tsalka LDS.