Our Funding
Our Funding

The majority of PMC Research Center's funding comes from international organizations, and in order to be accountable and transparent, PMC Research Center makes information about its projects and funding levels available.

Project Origin of Funding Duration Amount
Public Policy Discourse and Dialogue Platform 2017 Policy and Management Consulting Group 2017 GEL 15,525
Geo-German StartUp Forum 2017 German Embassy in Tbilisi 2017 EUR 7520
Promotion of Rural Development and Diversification in Khulo Municipality European Commission 2017-2021 EURO 129,828
Regional Civil Society Organizations as Vectors of Rural Economic Development European Commission 2017-2019 EURO 150,862
Improving Regional Food Security through National Strategies and Small Holder Production in South Caucasus European Commission 2017 ** EURO 6,900
Empowering Modern Research Practices of Regional Agriculture-Related Institutions European Commission 2015-2017 EURO 104,447
Labor Informality Study Volkswagen Foundation, Institute for Study of Labor (IZA) 2015 EURO 58,502
Joint Feasibility Study of Possible Outcomes of Georgia-China Free Trade Agreement Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development 2015 ** GEL 10,000
Public Policy Discourse Panel: Policy Research for Sustainable Economic Development Konrad Adenauer Foundation 2015 * EURO 16,500
Transferring V4 and Georgia Reform Experience to Facilitate Economic Development in Belarus International Visegrad Fund 2015-2016 EURO 65,000
Sharing Experience of Public-Private Dialogue in EU Integration Process for Moldova and Georgia International Visegrad Fund 2015-2016 EURO 63,000
Support of Public Finance Policy Reform (PFM) EU 2015-2018 ** EURO 252,595
Budget Transparency: Civil Society Oversight of Public Spending EU 2014-2015 ** GEL 43,500
Adjara Autonomous Republic Rural Development Strategy UNDP 2014-2015 USD 149,884
Organization Development Fund to Think Tank Open Society International 2014-2016 USD 65,200